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Mission Statement

My mission is to enlighten and enhance awareness of severe disabilities, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, and to expose the emotional hold that plays such a large role in the care and treatment of this unique population. Through proper education and understanding of severe disabilities and how they manifest, can we feel the pain of Autism, so we can sympathize, treat, and care for this vulnerable group. 

I do not profess to be a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Teacher.  I am a college educated Parent with 3 children on the Autism Spectrum with mild to moderate to severe disabilities.  I have years of experience dealing with Doctors, Lawyers, Schools, Institutions, Teachers, Aides, Crisis Centers, the Government, DDD, DYFS, Non-Profit Agencies, and Autism itself.  I have been involved in 2 Genetic Studies, Epidemiology Studies, and written studies on effects of Autism on siblings.  I've written and published several articles and poems on Autism.  I have been recognized for being an Autism Advocate by several Autism Agencies over the years.

Any questions or concerns should be addressed by a Licensed Professional.